Bookseller Catalogs
List 151: Bob Moss Bob Moss (1953-2011) was an outsider folk artist and musician who lived “out there” and on the fringe. Moss was enamored with the strangeness and beauty of the Deseret alphabet, and created art (mostly wood burnings) based on Brigham Young’s failed experiment.
Rewriting Our Histories A selection of rare books and manuscripts offering rich research possibilities. From the development of educational practices to narratives on women’s professional lives, to satire on get-rich-quick schemes to an entomology guide for children, these texts preserve voices from the long-18th and 19th centuries that helped shape our modern society–for good and for bad.
E-list: Toronto Antiquarian Book Fair 2024 60 items in Americana and Literature, fully illustrated. Interactive PDF.
Latin America Fresh Sheet Latin America from exploration to science fiction. 20 books from or about Latin America.
314: What’s in a BEE? More than 125 books in the history of science and genetics. Mostly from the libraries of four academicians, scientist-historians. Fully illustrated.
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E-list: New Acquisitions in Americana, September 2024 32 items, fully illustrated. Available as interactive PDF and online list.